Our electrical installations are carried out in strict accordance with Australian Standard AS 3002: Electrical Installations – Shows and Carnivals. Risk assessments, JSAs and copies of insurance documentations are available in the links on the right of this page.
Eventpower Solutions will make every effort to provide a safe working environment for its employees, contractors and for third parties who are impacted by our business activities, and will strive to protect equipment and property from damage. We will encourage the participation of every person in achieving a healthy and safe workplace.
Eventpower Solutions accepts that no job is given such urgency, that personal safety is set aside to achieve it. We understand that health and safety is an integral part of all our processes and operations.
It is Eventpower Solutions’ obligation and the responsibility of all its employees, to report or rectify any unsafe work conditions and promote the adoption of safe working habits.
Eventpower Solutions will commit to continual improvements in its health and safety performance, and aspires to a goal of zero harm to its employees.
Eventpower Solutions expects all employees to take responsible care for their own health and safety and that of others in the workplace. All inductions and other safeguards in place will be followed and any unsafe conditions will be reported to their supervisors immediately.
We at Eventpower will not willingly continue to employ any person who violates any health and safety procedures, or endangers themselves, and others.
Eventpower Solutions will continue to ensure that occupational health and safety plays a major role in the work of all its employees, contractors and visitors.